A Look Back At the HCJB 690 kHz DX Tests
By: Richard McVicar, AB2FN

In 1994, 1995 and 1996, HCJB ran a series of fifteen DX test programs on its mediumwave frequency of 690 kHz. The purpose of the tests were threefold:

I was pleased with the results overall, especially that which related to the first and second goals. I didn't get too far with the third, partly because the sun wasn't up to much activity and partly because I didn't gather enough data. Also, what data I did gather may have not been the right kind.

To give DXers time to plan to listen (and perhaps erect huge antennas,) each of the tests were announced on HCJB's "DX Partyline" and "The Latest Catch" programs ahead of schedule. HCJB is indebted to the many DX clubs and newsletters around the world who kindly reprinted the test schedule information in their monthly bulletins and over the Internet. Much appreciation also goes to the other DX programs that announced the schedules.

For the test programs, we used audio code signals (as opposed to true CW where the carrier is turned on and off) and high-pitched audio sound effects. This audio was broadcast on a regular amplitude modulated carrier. On all but two of the tests, the transmitter used was an aging HCJB-built 50 kw unit located on Pichincha volcano, just west of Quito. (Two of the tests featured the use of different transmitters. These are noted below.) The 690 kHz antenna has a north-south directional pattern and is situated on Rucu Pichincha, part of the massive Pichincha volcano. (The highest point of Pichincha, Guagua Pichincha, lies further to the west.)

The piercing audio of the code and sound effects was sometimes able to penetrate the comparatively subdued audio of other stations sharing the 690 kHz frequency.

Words sent in International Code were usually different for each test and ranged from character names in C.S. Lewis novels to dessert foods. The idea was to use words and phrases that no one would be able to guess if that person were to prepare a report of a fabricated reception. (There were only two or three such reports. I wish I had kept the one where the talented author invented an entire paragraph of English-language test text, which included a brief history of HCJB!) Some of the code messages consisted of phrases such as "I won a t-shirt," which became a fact for the DXer who copied it and sent us a report. Other audio included dogs barking, police sirens, whistles and music ranging from Andean folk to Prokofiev.

The first test included code as well as bilingual explanations of the hobby of DXing. Both voices were male, that of Mauricio Carpio for Spanish and my own for English. On subsequent tests, the only spoken audio was in Spanish with announcer Tanya Davalos giving an identification and explanation (with local listeners in mind) of what in the world was going on. This was aired several times in each program.

So as not to interrupt regular programming, each test was scheduled at a time not conflicting with HCJB's daily broadcasts on 690 kHz. That is, the tests aired between 0504 and 0830 UTC. Some of the times lined up favourably with the sunrise terminator in different parts of Europe and Africa while others with the sunset terminator in New Zealand, Australia and Japan. In the results which follow, the terminator location is mentioned for each test in known DXer-populated areas of the world.

Below is a brief account of each test. Solar and geomagnetic indices were obtained from the web page of the Space Environment Center, provided by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Laboratory. A and K indices mentioned are Estimated Planetary Indices, as opposed to Middle Latitude and High Latitude indices, also found at the same site. My thanks to David Clark who directed me to this useful web page (www.sel.bldrdoc.gov/index.html).

1) May 29, 1994 0500-0530 UTC (terminator in mid British Columbia, Canada, just getting to New Zealand and leaving Portugal)


Solar & geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 37
K-Index: 6
Solar Flux: 69
Sunspot No: 0

Apparently, a disturbance took place on the sun just about the time of the test. Twenty-four hours after the test, the A-Index was 44 with a K-Index of 7. With these more-disturbed conditions, it may have been possible to hear the test under auroral conditions on a much wider basis one day later.

2) December 24, 1994 0515-0545 UTC (terminator in southeast Europe, N. Russia, Africa)


Both reported this test with very poor signals.

Solar & geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 23
K-Index: 3
Solar Flux: 80
Sunspot No: 50

3) May 13, 1995 0600-0630 UTC (terminator at New Zealand)


Solar & geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 10
K-Index: 3
Solar Flux: 81
Sunspot No: 70

4) October 7, 1995 0600-0615 UTC (terminator crossing the British Isles, France, Spain)


Solar & geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 28
K-Index: 6
Solar Flux: 73
Sunspot No: 11

5) November 5, 1995 0603-0620 UTC (terminator across western Europe)


Solar & geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 11
K-Index: 1
Solar Flux: 75
Sunspot No: 0

6) December 3, 1995 0600-0615 UTC (terminator in Central Europe)


Solar & geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 7
K-Index: 2
Solar Flux: 73
Sunspot No: 23

7) January 7, 1996 0800-0815 UTC (terminator across the British Isles, Scandinavia, New Zealand and Japan)


Solar & Geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 3
K-Index: 1
Solar Flux: 83
Sunspot No: 45

8) February 4, 1996 0606-0621 UTC. (terminator in Central Europe).

This test had a late start time with an interesting reason... At 0600 UTC, the transmitter on Mt. Pichincha did not come on the air as scheduled. After running down the three flights of stairs to HCJB's Programming Automated Control Center, I learned that "Antenna Hill" on Mount Pichincha was in a sector of Quito which was undergoing electricity rationing. (The rationing was on account of low water levels at Ecuador's largest hydroelectricity generating plant.) We called the shortwave transmitter site at Pifo, where HCJB's 25 kilowatt MW backup transmitter was located. It came on the air a few minutes later and the test proceeded.


Solar & geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 5
K-Index: 1
Solar Flux: 74
Sunspot No: 0

9) March 3, 1996 0600-0615 UTC (terminator in western Europe)


Solar & geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 6
K-Index: 2
Solar Flux: 70
Sunspot No: 0

10) April 7, 1996 0515-0530 UTC (terminator crossing the British Isles, France, Spain)


Solar and geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 3
K-Index: 0
Solar Flux: 68
Sunspot No: 0

11) May 5, 1996 0545-0600 UTC (terminator at New Zealand)


Solar and geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 7
K-Index: 3 Solar Flux: 70
Sunspot No: 12

12) June 2, 1996 0600-0615 UTC (terminator at New Zealand)


Solar and geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 6
K-Index: 1
Solar Flux: 68
Sunspot No: 11

13) July 7, 1996 0801-0816 UTC (terminator crossing the Canadian Maritime provinces and eastern Australia)


Solar and geomagnetic conditions:
A-Index: 9
K-Index: 4
Solar Flux: 72
Sunspot No: 27

14) August 4, 1996 0600-0615 UTC (terminator at New Zealand)
