Articles of Interest |
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The National Radio Club is a good source for information on the radio listening hobby. Many of our members have written good articles on radio, or have documented history.
Besides the technical articles located in the Publications Center, the following articles have been sent to us by members for free distribution.
If you wish to send an article in, please send it in Word (with no macros!), PDF, or just include the article in the body of the message. Articles must include author's name, publication/newspaper name, and date of publication.
Connecting the Continent: AT&T and the Radio Networks by Mark Durenburger
We chronicle AT&T's early history, the emergence of "Wired Radio" and the
company's pioneering in commercial broadcasting. There's detail on how the
radio networks were built out and operated; the story enriched with audio,
video and photos.
We follow AT&T Long Lines as they developed the technologies for
network-broadcast transmission through the 1940s---from early voice to RF
The e-book should be of interest if you ever dealt with 'the phone company'
in your broadcast work.
...It should also be a good read for the Hopelessly Curious.
Radio Stars Magazine, August 1935 This magazine was in the possession of Bob Galerstein he passed it to Doug Smith for scanning. It's an interesting period piece!
Target DX Form, QSL Submission Form, & Log Book Form These recent submissions from Shawn Axelrod are sure to be of great benefit to any Dxer. The forms are in PDF format and can easily be downloaded to your pc by "right clicking" on each and selecting "Save Target As".Mexican AM Stations by John Callarman By Frequency By City These documents have been revised for 2008; it is the definitive reference for those in need of information on AM stations from Mexico. In John’s own words, “I have a one-word slogan: Share.” - Qal R Man. There are two versions posted here; by frequency and by City… We have converted these from the original WORD documents to allow the widest sharing possible in the Adobe PDF file format.
Montana "Big Sky" DX Test, by Les Rayburn N1LF. In this excellent article, Les discusses how the Montana "Big Sky" DX test turned out to be one of the most popular tests with DX'ers in some time. The reports details the results of this popular DX test and how the internet can now be used as an invaluable tool for preparing the DX'er before and during a DX test. The article is in HTML format and was posted on December 15, 2006.
QSL'ing from the Other Side, by Les Rayburn N1LF. Les details the problems and pitfalls that are experienced by the personnel who answer the variety of reports submitted to stations. Written about the WDAB DX Test, the information is pertains to everyone who wished to collect radio station verifications. This article is downloadable in pdf format updated and posted March 20, 2006.
DXing the Graveyard Channels, by Les Rayburn N1LF. This is an excellent article for both novices and experienced DX'ers for DXing the crowded Local Channels "Graveyard Channels" 1230, 1240, 1340, 1400, 1450 and 1490. Les delves into the many techniques that various DX'ers use in trying to improve their DX on these crowded channels in this day and age. This is downloadable in pdf format updated and posted January 7, 2006
Newfoundland DXpedition #14, by Jim Renfrew. (26 Feb 2005)
This article, in PDF format, details the efforts of Jean Burnell (Halifax NS), Jim Renfrew (Byron NY), and John Fisher (Kingston ON), DXing from the Round Cove Bed and Breakfast, with hosts Ollie and Ken Perry. The location is not quite as good for stretching antenna wire, and there is a noisy power line close at hand, but the comfortable beds, efficient plumbing, a DX Den in the basement, and hot meals do more to lift the spirits!
Cold War Relics Coming Down, Associated Press (6 Mar 2005)
Article in PDF format, talks the OTH radar systems being decommissioned by the U.S. government.
Wall Street Thoughts, Associated Press (27 Feb 2005)
Article in PDF format, talks about investor's thoughts on the profitability of radio.
Vince Koza, Lima News (27 Feb 2005)
Article in PDF format, about WLIO Television's sports anchor who also does two shows on WIMA-1150
CBSC Decision 02/03-0383.
CKTB-AM re an episode of the Phil Hendrie Show, Decided May 2, 2003. The Phil Hendrie Show is a parody talk radio program that originates in the United States. The show features commentary from its host and conversations with both real and fictional callers and guests. It is broadcast in Canada, among other places, on CKTB-AM (St. Catharines, Ontario) at 7:00 pm.
Church Donates Equipment
Article from Tampa newspaper written by Lois Kindle about a local church that donated equipment to the DX Audio Service.
Supreme Court Reaffirms Diversity.
Commentary in the June 24th (2003) edition of Shoptalk Magazine (TV Spy), with facts concerning the recent vote.
Senate Committee Votes to Overturn FCC Ruling
Shoptalk Magazine - June 19, 2003. In a stinging rebuke to the Federal Communications Commission, the Senate Commerce Committee voted today to overturn an agency ruling raising the cap on national broadcast ownership to 45 percent. In addition, the committee axed the FCC's decision to relax a rule that barred broadcasters from acquiring daily newspapers in their markets.
Regulate the
By William Safire, The New York Times. 06/17/03. Commentary on the recent vote.
FCC Chief Defends Changes In Media Ownership Rules
By Peter J. Howe, Boston Globe. The Federal Communications Commission chairman Michael K. Powell yesterday dismissed as ''garbage'' claims that the interests of the American public went unheard when the FCC last week approved landmark changes allowing further consolidation of media ownership.
Media Drop The Ball On FCC Rules Changes
By Dante Chinni, Christian Science Monitor - 06/12/03. There's been a lot of hand wringing in newsrooms around the country over the past few weeks as the Jayson Blair/New York Times story became the Howell Raines/New York Times story.
Media Ownership Rules Eased
Article by staff and wire reports from U.S.A. Today, dated June 3, 2003
Giving Away the Marketplace of Ideas
Michael Powell And The FCC: Giving Away the Marketplace of Ideas. By Tom Shales, The Washington Post. June 3, 2003
Survey by Washington Post
This is an unscientific survey of readers.
Advocates Rally to Voice
By Jennifer Lee, The New York Times, 6/4/03. Story about the FCC vote on consolidation.
Media Deregulation Is Far From Good News
By Brian Lambert, St. Paul Pioneer Press, 6/4/03. Story about the FCC vote on consolidation.
If It's Challenged In Court, Agency Can Cite Formula: Ex-Antitruster Has `Diversity' Rule
by Greg Gatlin, Boston Herald, June 4, 2003. Story on FCC's June 2nd vote on deregulation.
Under Chairman Powell, Panel Members Maneuver, Criticize
By Christopher Stern, The Washington Post, 6/4/2003. Story on FCC's June 2nd vote on deregulation.
Congress To Watch FCC Program
Opponents of new rules hope Capitol Hill will slow move to consolidate ownership of TV stations. By Chris Isidore, CNN/Money Senior Writer, 6/4/2003. Story on FCC's June 2nd vote on deregulation.
FCC Sets limits on Media Concentration. Unprecedented Public Record Results in Enforceable and Balanced Broadcast Ownership Rules. News Release. (Dkt No 02-277). Adopted: 06/02/2003. News Media Contact: Michelle Russo 202-418-2358, David Fiske 418-0513, Richard Diamond 418-0506 MB. Contact Paul Gallant, Mania Baghdadi or Judith Herman at 202-418-7200
Oral Statements of Chairman Michael K. Powell on Broadcast Ownership. Biennial Review. OCH. Before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, Wednesday, June 4, 2003
New Vote Announced for Media Ownership News
Article in Fitzgerald's Shop Talk "Short Takes", June 5, 2003 Story on FCC's June 2nd vote on deregulation.
Worry Over FCC Rules Not Shared on Wall St.
By Sallie Hofmeister and Jube Shiver Jr., New York Times. 06/05/2003. Despite the anxiety in Congress, analysts don't expect changes to have big effect on TV market.
Networks Were Silent On FCC Story
by Brian Lambert, St Paul Pioneer Press. 06/05/03.
Stay Tuned For Fallout From FCC Decision On Ownership
By Melanie McFarland, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 8, 2003 - Sunday. You should definitely care about Monday's Federal Communications Commission decision to ease media ownership rules, for a number of reasons.
FCC Ruling Puts Rivals on the Same WavelengthBy Jube Shiver Jr., Richard Simon and Edmund Sanders, Los Angeles Times. Public opinion, political self-interest spur many in Congress to unite against new media rules. Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer of California and Republican Sen. Trent Lott of Mississippi rarely find themselves on the same side of the aisle.
Online audience within radio's rangeBy Crayton Harrison, The Dallas Morning News 06/10/2003. "Computer-savvy listeners offer stations their long-distance dedication". NY - Kellie Rogers searched the radio dial in vain for a station that consistently plays music she likes. The Brooklyn resident couldn't stand the New York airwaves, loaded with commercials and rarely straying from a small list of songs in regular rotation.
Pulled Ads
Article by Steve Caulk in the Rocky Mountain News about ads being pulled out during war time. March 20, 2003
Thousands Rally for America
Article by Michael Rubinkam of the Associated Press news service, talks about radio host Glen Beck (Clear Channel) getting listeners to rally for our troups.
Target DX - March 2003
Russ Edmunds answers some antenna and propagation questions that have been discussed in our E-mail list. Also available in PDF.
Submission Guidelines
By DX News editor, Paul Swearingen. Thinking of contributing an article to the National Radio Club's DX News Magazine? This guideline will help you format and prepare an article for submission. [PDF]
How to Submit Loggings Right
E-Mail by Ginnie Lupi, and Paul Swearingen. This E-mail briefly outlines some guidelines in how to submit information to the DDXD and IDXD columns.
Rimshot Radio in the DFW Area
Article by John Callarman, Krum Star - January 2, 2003. The article is about radio in Krum, Texas.
A one-man welcome wagon
An article about resident historian John Bowker who is also a radio buff, newsletter publisher and emergency volunteer. Appeared in the St. Petersburg Times, and was written by Jay Cridlin. [ PDF ]
TV Consolidation? 1/22/03
Two articles about the consolidation of television broadcasting in the United States.
Target DX - January 5, 2003
Russ Edmunds answers some antenna and propagation questions that have been discussed in our E-mail list. Also available in PDF.
Coming In Loud & Clear
Article by Karen L. Jacob, staff writer for the Tampa Sun (Tampa FL), about John Bowker.
1987 Frequency Test List
Remember when you could hear stations test at night? Back nearly 20 years ago, many stations would routinely test with a frequency measurement company. This document is the last known list of those tests.
April 1961 Conelrad Card
This is an authentic "Report of Weekly Test of Conelrad Teletype Alerting System", FCC form #6A, from April 1961. This card was to be filled out and mailed when a broadcast station received a test via their news teletype service.
At Best, Radio Coverage is Poor
Article by Dusty Saunders of the Rockey Mountain News, June 11 2002, that talks about the roll that radio played during the fires in the west.
Radio Giant Picking Up Static
Article by Phyllis Furman of the New York Daily News (6/18/2002) about Clear Channel's woes with various lawsuits.
A Battle Brewing Between A Radio Giant And WSVN-TV
By Patrick Fraser, WSVN-TV. At the center, a radio tower that is in bad need of repairs and could pose a danger to people in one South Florida community.
Target DX - Issue 6905
Russ Edmunds answers some antenna and propagation questions that have been discussed in our E-mail list.
WSM could face changes, Gaylord says.
By Craig Havihurst & Brad Schmitt, Staff Writers, Tennessean Newspaper. Gaylord Entertainment Co. is exploring changes among its three radio properties, including syndicating the Grand Ole Opry and possibly modifying the formats of WWTN-FM, WSM-FM and the historic WSM-AM.
Tower Site Hunting from the Air
By Frederick R. Vobbe, Aug 2001. This article contains comments and also pictures taken from the air of various tower sites between Lima and Detroit. Included are WIMA-1150, WLJM-940, WCSM-1350, WERT-1220, WFIN-1330, WSPD-1370, WJYM-730, WDMN-1520, WLQR-1470, WLLZ-560, WDFN-1130, and WAAM-1600.
Ottawa radio station gets bad rap
Too many hits runs afoul of CRTC protectionist policy. Article by Barbara Shecter, Financial Post News. An Ottawa country music radio station has been reprimanded by its industry regulator for playing too many hits.
A Cost Effective Way to Listen to Television
"A Cost Effective Way to Listen to Television", A review of the Radio Shack 12-604 (Part 1). By: Frederick R. Vobbe, Chief Engineer WLIO Television. February 10, 1998.
"Lima Keeps Listeners Informed"
Author: Fred Vobbe, W8HDU. 7/14/2000. This article describes the installation and operation of WRN on the SAP channel of WLIO Television
EWE Antenna Info
The following was a posting in the AM list of the National Radio Club. This post is a follow up to a question concerning an antenna called a "EWE" used for listening to distant radio signal reception. This was posted by Thomas Giella (KN4LF) on August 7, 2001 @ 15:19:47, and is a great resource for building your own EWE antenna.
Beverage Antenna for HF Communications
"Direction Finding and Over-The-Horizon Radars". By J. Litva and B. J. Rook, Communications Research Center, Department of Communications (Canada) report #1282. August 1976. (6.13 meg)
The Wave Antenna for 200-meter Reception
By H. H. Beverage. QST article from November, 1922. (2.9 meg)
The Classic Beverage Antenna Revisited
By H. H. Beverage (ex W2BML) and Doug DeMaw, W1FB. QST article from January, 1982. Follow up article to the The Wave Antenna for 200-meter Reception article above. (1.31 meg).
Beverage Antennas for Amateur Communication
By John S. Belrose, VE2CV, and John Litva, G. E. Moss, and E. E. Stevens VW3CYO. Reprint from QST, dated January 1983, on Beverage Antenna construction and tuning. (788 kb).
Picture of antenna pattern to demonstrate what you can do with a Beverage Antenna.
Beverage Antennas for Amateur Communication
By Harold H. Beverage, Chester W. Rice, & Edward W. Kellogg. 52 Page article of unknown date on theory of the Beverage Antenna. Includes lots of references for scientific papers on antennas and theory. (3.08 meg).
Propagation Coefficient of the Beverage Aerial
By P. Knight, M.A., C Eng, M.L.E.E. Mr. Knight is with the research departartment of the B.B.C. Highly technical article, dated 1971. 6 pages. (311 kb)
Target DX - Dec 2002
Article by Russ Edmunds containing Q&A on subjects dealing with antenna construction and DXing. Also available as in Adobe PDF Version.
Target DX - Nov 2002
Article by Russ Edmunds containing Q&A on subjects dealing with antenna construction and DXing. Also available as in Adobe PDF Version.
Radio A Major Source
Radio was a major source of news and information in the hours immediately following the terrorist attacks on September 11, according to a survey conducted by RoperASW.
"DX TV Reception Makes New Hobby" by Robert P.Cooper, Jr.
A reprint from Popular Electronics magazine, June 1956. Scanned JPG files contributed by Michael Bugaj from the Worldwide TV DX Association (WTFDA). Page 1 & Page 2. Note: These images are 350k for best clarity and may take spme time to download.
My CCRadio Report to IRCA.
An article titled "The CCRadio: The Radio That Wasn't" by Kevin Redding. This is a review of the CC Radio by a user of the radio.
Whazup at NRCDXAS.ORG - Volume 2, Issue 2. Information from the publisher of the National Radio Club's DX Audio Service. November 17, 2001
Airchecking As A Hobby
By: Frederick R. Vobbe. This article talks about the hobby of listening to broadcast radio, and recording stations. It also covers the trading of tapes with other people, and archival of recordings.
Doomsday Sayers
By: Frederick R. Vobbe, Sunday, January 3, 1999. This article is part of an editorial on the DXAS that talks about how many people are excited that the Internet will replace radio.
Your First Fifty Trans-Atlantic Countries (and then some)
By: Mark Connelly, WA1ION. Mark explains in a very clear form how you can bag your first 50 overseas countries by DXing the Medium Wave Band.
A Look Back At the HCJB 690 kHz DX Tests
By: Richard McVicar, AB2FN. In 1994, 1995 and 1996, HCJB ran a series of fifteen DX test programs on its mediumwave frequency of 690 kHz. Here's the results.
Ham Credibility Problem
This article points out (accurately) how ham radio operators do more harm for their hobby by not working with broadcasters.
by George C. Sitts, Broadcast Engineering - December 1965
When the power died in the Northeast the evening of November 9, 1965, radio stations in the affected area either made or lost their reputations as reliable news sources in a crisis.
More on the Great Blackout
Several posts from newsgroups on what happened that night, mostly from first hand observations.
Skyhighgain Coax
An amazing coax with GAIN! This article, written on April 1st, 1999, shows some possibilities for great DX. Only a fool would not try this.
Early FM
Articles and posts on the early days of FM radio, including the old frequency assignments in the New York Metro area.
FM Radio Review
Wonder what some portable FM radios do. This post from Ragnar Danneskjold talks about his personal observations.
GYDX Graveyard DX Achievements (20 years plus ago)
Remember back when the "Graveyarders" were on 1200, 1210, 1310, 1370, 1420 and 1500 kc? By Bill Hale.
Good Clean Fun
By Mark Durenberger, Radio World Magazine, 2/18/98.
Also in Real Audio format at Real Audio Format
North East RadioWatch: 1999 in Review - The Rant
By Scott Fybush. A wrap up of commentary by Scott.
Also in MP3 Format
"Mystique of the 3-Letter Call Signs" by Thomas H. White, January 1, 1990.
"Mystique of the 3-Letter Call Signs" by Thomas H. White, January 1, 1990. Includes posts from Fidonet.
from "Famous First Facts", Fourth Edition (1981), by Joseph Nathan Kane
DXpedition "LEM104" to Lemmenjoki. Finland, from January 4th to 11th 1997
NBC Chimes
The origin of the NBC Chimes. Postings from Fidonet.
Newfoundland DXpedition
The October 1995 Newfoundland DXpedition, "Brazil Nuts" or "Of Moose And Men". Musings by Jean Burnell, Dave Clark, Mark Connelly, Neil Kazaross, and Jim Renfrew, narrated by Bruce Conti.
DX From Cape Cod MA
Mark Connelly, WA1ION, performs several bandscans from Cape Cod MA. A list of the loggings is provided, plus interesting notes and information.
Take a Cruise!
Jay Novello spent a week at the beginning of 1998 cruising the Western Caribbean on Royal Caribbean's "Enchantment of the Seas". The cruise left from the Port of Miami, took us to Cozumel on the eastern coast of Mexico, then to Ocho Rios, Jamaica, and to Georgetown, Grand Cayman, thenreturned to Miami. Read what he heard.
SHEIGRA DXPEDITION REPORT, October 26 - November 15, 1996. By Clive Rooms.
Who's First
Radio's version of "Who's On First". A look at the claims and facts of what station was on the air first.
Interesting observations about WHOT in Youngstown Ohio, as written by Jerry Starr who works at WHOT, and is a National Radio Club member.
Internet Websites for DX'ers
By Russ Edmunds. Beginning last DX season, this column listed a number of Internet Websites which were valuable to DX'ers. Owing to the volatility of Internet Websites generally, it seems like a good idea to create a listing which can be periodically updated and included as a part of Target DX.
Geomagnetic activity broadcasts
Russ Edmunds. The NOAA's Geophysical Alert Broadcasts are aired at 18 minutes past each hour over the U. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology radio station WWV in Ft. Collins, Colorado and at 45 minutes past each hour via WWHV on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. Let them help your DXing!
By Russ Edmunds. So you say you've got a noise problem? Doesn't pretty much everybody these days - at least among the BCB DX fraternity? In an age of a dizzying number of electrical devices, we find that more and more of them cause interference on the AM band.
Vehicle Radio Noise
Russ Edmunds. As with noises found in the radios in your DX shack, the same sorts of principles apply to noise heard in your car or truck radio. The first step is to determine what kind of noise is present
By Russ Edmunds. Back in the 1950's and early 1960's, there were essentially four basic types of operations permitted - full ( or unlimited ) time, daytime, limited time and shared time.
Sunrise & Sunset
By Russ Edmunds. DX'ing around local sunrise and sunset can be extremely profitable to the DX'er in terms of new loggings, and there are several helpful methods to be explored for taking full advantage.
What's in a voice? How do you judge it. This article is a press release from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, titled "Americans Speak Out, Select the 'Best and Worst Voices in America' In Online Polling by the Center for Voice Disorders of Wake Forest University.
Paul Harvey... Good Day!
Article on the site about Paul Harvey. Very interesting and informative article.
"Doomsday Sayers
By Frederick R. Vobbe. This is an editoral piece published in the February 1999 DX Audio Service. Mr. Vobbe talks about all the people that say the internet is going to replace broadcast band radio.
Songs play on, but is DJ gone?
By: Rodney Ho, Staff Writer - Atlanta Journal Constitution. Thursday, April 4, 2002. Drivers listening to Atlanta oldies radio station Fox 97.1 on a recent weekday afternoon heard a Beatles tune fade out, followed by the voice of disc jockey Spiff Carner.
"A Historical Look At The Internet"
Author unknown. This short article talks about the history of the internet.
Articles/Loggings from International DX Digest.
Sample of the IRCA's DX Newsflash Magazine
Database Files & Articles
Silent Stations | Stations that are silent, as of 06/07/99. Via: Bill Hale |
192x.txt | All known radio stations between 1920 and 1930. |
1928am.txt | Radio stations as of June 30, 1928. |
1925cb.txt | Radio stations 1925 w/Canada |
1925am.txt | Radio stations as of June 30, 1925 |
1923am.txt | Radio stations as of June 30, 1923 |
1922am.txt | Radio stations as of June 30, 1922 |
1939fm.txt | from Broadcasting Yearbook 1939. "HIGH FREQUENCY (APEX) BROADCAST STATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES", Authorized by FCC as of January 1 1939. |
1941fm.txt | A 1941 list of FM stations |
1945ass.txt | Assignments in the new 88-108 band announced inSeptember 1945 for all existing FM stations. By Jeff Miller |
1946ybk.txt | 1946 Broadcasting Yearbook (does not include conditional grants) |
1958tv.txt | U. S. TV Stations, Vane A. Jones, Summer 1958 |
1-states.txt | 1st Stations in each state. Source: Compton's Encyclopedia |
AM Log Symbols | Some people wonder what the terms D1, L1, etc mean in the AM Radio Log. This is a small list of the terms, that is also listed in the log. |
DTV Channel Assignments | On April 21, 1997, in FCC document 97-115, the Federal Communications Commission outlined its final channel allotment plan for Digital TV (also called DTV or HDTV). This link is to a list by state of channels given to DTV stations. |
Canadian DTV Assignments | This document is in Word97, and contains the DTV assignments for Canada. Or you can choose the Word Perfect version of this document. |
WNIB-FM Chicago. Classical Beacon May Shake, Rattle and Roll
By STEPHEN KINZER, Todd Buchanan for The New York Times. ARTS IN AMERICA, Classical Beacon May Shake, Rattle and Roll, NYTimesJanuary 31, 2001
With the World Band in Your Hands
By Ian Austen, New York News 5/30/2002. The proliferation of Web-based radio stations should mean that a traveler with a modem and a laptop is never without up-to-the-minute news, conversation and music from home.
It's quite some radio page!
Read this post from the Short Wave Programs list at[S.W.P. has 235 members from around the world who post re quality public radio programs heard either on shortwave or the internet] Chet Copeland/NYC, NY.
NPR's afternoon news show turns 30
By PAMELA DAVIS, © St. Petersburg Times, published April 27, 2001. While news coverage is almost obsolete on commercial radio stations, National Public Radio's All Things Considered is still on the air and still going strong.
KQED Webcast: This is "Radio Fights Jim Crow" (American Radio Works Special)
Tonight, Thurs Feb 1, 8-9PM (PT) and Repeated 2AM (PT) [='s Fri.Feb 2 at 100-200 UT & 700 UT) on San Francisco's KQED
WBT studio waited for bombs to fall
The following article appeared in this morning's Charlotte Observer newspaper. For those of you who might pass through the Charlotte area, the facility mentioned below is just off (east of) Interstate 77, near exit 4, south of the city. The three-tower array is visible for miles.
EIA/NRSC DAB Ssystem Lab Test Results, an assessment
DIGITAL RADIO RESEARCH (DRRI) INC. Eureka 147 outperforms all in-band systems!
Big Voices on the Air
Press release from Bowling Green State University about a new book by Dr. James Foust, an associate professor of journalism, explores the debate over clear channel radio stations and the attempts by their owners to maintain and enhance their dominant position in the broadcast band.
KTRU Take-Over
By Lauren Kern. Spin Control Rice University's slow, systematic makeover of KTRU is just the latestexample of a college determined to pattern itself after corporate America.
CHUM Music No More
David Olive, Senior Writer, Financial Post. The day the music died on radio 1050 CHUM switch to all-sports format marks end of an era. From the National Post.
Farewell, my old CHUM
By JIM SLOTEK -- Toronto Sun. Commentary about the demise of CHUM-1050 in Toronto.
Radio reaches out en espanol
Station among Latino firms' widening scope, By Edward L. Carter, Desert News staff writer. (Phoenix AZ) Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000
By Charles Jaco, KMOX-AM St. Louis. But Who's the Hooker and Who's the John? imagine this: a major American city is holding a mayoral election. It's laced with charges of corruption and phony voter registrations.
New Portland station to air local news, talk
By RAY ROUTHIER, Portland Press Herald Writer, Blethen Maine Newspapers Inc. Saying that Greater Portland suffers from a lack of locally produced news and talk radio, the owners of WMTW-TV (Channel 8) announced Wednesday the launching of a new radio station to fill the void.
High School Station Squaring off Against State University Radio
By Jay Lindsay, Associated Press, 3/3/2000 17:13
Unlicensed Radio Station Fights to Stay on the Air
Associated Press - 11/28/1999
Get Big Crowds At Your Next Remote
By Michael Hagerty
"Bookworm": For Serious Writers and Their Readers, an Oasis on the Air
By Andy Meisler (The New York Times Company)
Clear Channel Suspends Jock
WSPD suspends Scott Sloan. Associated Press News
Biggest radio mogul bending rules to get bigger?
By Brad Kava, (May 8, 2001) San Jose Mercury News. Back in August, the world's largest radio corporation, Clear Channel Communications, made headlines when it sold 40 of its stations to minority owners. But was it a sheep or a wolf in sheeps clothing?
Behemoth broadcaster steps on KSCO
By Brad Kava, (April 30, 2001) San Jose. A 49-year-old former real-estate investor bought Santa Cruz 10,000-watt radio station KSCO-AM (1080) 10 years ago, in part, to give conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh a forum in a city so far to the left it's almost slipped off the map. Now, the tide has turned.
New station to offer training for disabled
WAUR-Chicago. By: Robert Feder, Sun-Times Columnist
Obit: Sir James
Sir James Redmond, Director of Engineering at BBC Television (11/8/1999)
Radio Told To Be Wary Of It's Own Prosperity
Easy on the commericals, stations urged.
By Tim Jones Tribune Media Writer December 7, 1999
Gambling Out as WOR Bets on Younger Market
by David Hinkley (NY Daily News). The dismissal of John Gambling on 710 WOR in New York, NY.
"Internet gives Boulder station a bigger voice"
In this era of conglomerate radio, it would be easy to dismiss KWAB-AM
(1490) as a voice crying in the broadcast wilderness. by Dusty Saunders
8 Radio Stations in Merger
By Michael Clancy, The Arizona Republic, March 7, 2000
F.C.C. to Promote a Trading System to Sell Airwaves
By Stephen Labaton. Radio sales move to "trading".
I Think I'm right, but I KNOW I'm Wrong
By Maxwell Scott, Published in Television & Entertainment for Richmond Virginia, 5/99 (Commentary)
Big radio airs the sound of sameness Cincinnati towers over industry changes
By John Kiesewetter, The Cincinnati Enquirer. Article about Clear Channel's dominance in radio broadcasting.
Charity-staff pay can leave listeners less supportive
By Bruce Mohl, 4/15/2001. WBUR-FM, Boston's NPR news station, sent me a letter recently asking for
a $100 contribution and followed that up with a phone call making the same pitch.
Gas giveaway clogs gridlocked corner
Backing up traffic for miles was point of radio promotion
By George Hunter / The Detroit News
"Public Radio Days"
Canada's CBC is struggling. The U.S.'s National Public Radio is thriving, flush with cash. A CBC alumnus is integral to the U.S. success story. ANDREW COHEN - Toronto's The Globe and Mail - Saturday, February 19, 2000
The Death Rattle
Op Ed On The CBC, Part 1: "Death Rattle" by journalist and former CBC'er, Dan MacLeod [From Media]. What is the CBC's destiny?
Big Bald Guy
Reporter or Salesman?
By Joanne Ostrow, Denver Post TV/Radio Critic. A look at how TV anchors sell their stories.
Free Your Radio. Three liberties we’ve lost to the FCC. Most radio stations today are boring and homogeneous, chains of clones controlled by an ever-dwindling handful of focus-group-driven corporations.
Low-power Radio Controversy between FCC, Broadcasters
By Kalpana Sprinivasan, Associated Press. Has the NAB been lying to the FCC about LPFM?
House Shoots Down FCC Plan of More Low Power Radio Stations
By Jim Abrams, Associated Press - Fri, 14 Apr 2000. [07:45:53]
Political Static May Block Low-Power FM
By Frank Ahrens, Washington Post Staff Writer, Monday , May 15, 2000
LPFM CP List 1
Listing of Construction permits for AK, CA, DC, GA, IN, LA, MD, ME, MS, OK, OR, RI, TN, and UT.
From FCC document
Who killed micro radio?
by Thomas W. Hazlett, Special to ZDNet. Updated 10:10 AM ET April 17, 2001. led micro radio? Reports of the death of Low Power FM radio at the hands of Congress are greatly exaggerated. Low Power FM was already a corpse.
Proposal to Revise the EAS System. This is an FCC document. There have been some proposals made to revise and add the present EAS system used by broadcasters. Your input to the FCC will be important to the future of EAS.
The electronic trash piles up
From The Providence Journal - Sat, 29 Apr 2000
As of this month, TVs and computer monitors will no longer be allowed in Massachusetts landfills.
In Calvert County, Hola and Goodbye. WMJS
By Frank Ahrens, Washington Post Staff Writer, Tuesday , May 2, 2000
Emmis boss cries foul over Mancow's fine
By: Bob Feder's, Sun Times. Claiming they have no record of what he said on the air, Mancow Muller's bosses are fighting his indecency rap by the Federal Communications Commission on a technicality.
TV/radio sports: Vikings Internet broadcast rankles WCCO
Judd Zulgad / Star Tribune. The Vikings plan to offer fans the opportunity to listen to their games on the Internet next season.
Gentle and not-so-gentle humor from another St. Paul radio host
By James Fallows (The Atlantic's national correspondent). Photograph by Michael Crouser. The Atlantic Monthly; September 2000; Mischke's Moment - 00.09; Volume 286, No. 3; page 100-104.
The memo couldn't have been clearer: Every on-air employee of WUSN-FM (99.5) must attend--and work the crowd at--the George Strait Country Music Festival on May 26.
Coming In Loud & Clear
John Bowker compiles a program of radio broadcasts on a cassette recording for people who are blind. Karen L. Jacob, Staff Writer, The Tampa Sun (Tampa FL) 5/3/2000
Commentary: Four years ago Southern Cross (3AW) wanted to get rid of 3AK - which it never promoted or threw any money at - and get hold of Magic 693 - which was rating well. By Ian Davidson, St. Kilda, Vic
Open Letter to Clear Channel Communications
By: Steve Rendall, Senior Analyst, FAIR. FAIR is critical of Clear Channels operations in San Francisco.
Life In Radioland Proves Less Stressful By Laura Billings, St. Paul (MN) Pioneer Press Columnist. Article about Gov Jesse Ventura and his comments on radio.
Judge vs. host
By John Kiesewetter (The Cincinnati Enquirer). Judge Nathaniel R. Jones anticipates the question: Why is a federal judge so outspoken about Bill Cunningham and WLW-AM?
Talk radio: Voice of the combative man
Entertaining or inflammatory, what really counts are ratings. By John Kiesewetter (The Cincinnati Enquirer) Sun, 06 May 2001
F.C.C. Rule Requires Narration for the Blind on Some TV Shows
By The New York Times. The Federal Communications Commission approved a plan July 22, 2000 requiring broadcasters to adopt technology allowing blind people to follow the action on television by listening to a narrator describe what is happening.
U.S. yanks Lenawee minister's radio show.
By Erica Blake. Blade Staff writer. Controversial Rev. Rick Strawcutter, who is nationally known for battling the federal government over the pirate radio station he runs from his church in Adrian, was pulled off the air yesterday by a federal judge.
Order Banning Radio Station Upheld
Via: Excite News via - July 20, 2000. A radio pirate has no grounds to challenge the order to shut down his low-power station because he did not apply for a license or waiver through the Federal Communications Commission, a federal appeals court ruled.
The History of the Disc Jockey.
Book review by Bill Brewster and Frank Broughton. Two pop music writers trace the history of the disc jockey. New York Times, September 3, 2000.
BBC's Talk Radio
The Thursday Radio Column: Class, the final frontier. Source: The Independent - London, July 20 [via Newsreal via ]
Behind the Clear-Channel Matter
Mark Durenberger, June 7, 2000. This series originally appeared in, the Newspaper for Radio Managers & Engineers. It is the first in a series of 6 articles about the history of clear-channel AM radio stations.
Commentary: TV News Strays From Mission
By Rich Robertson, Special for The Arizona Republic - 6/7/00
Historical Moments In Radio
Scripts by John Bowker
The following are scripts read by John D. Bowker on the National Radio Club's DX Audio Service. If you have any historical information you would like to share with the membership of the DX Audio Service, please contact John by Email at, or by letter through the DX Audio Service, P.O. Box 5031, Lima OH 45802-5031 U.S.A. You may use the text of these scripts in radio club publications as long as the author, John Bowker, and the DX Audio Service is credited.
I know how much N.R.C. members like looking at towers, transmitters, and equipment. I thought that I would share these articles with you. Note: Some of these articles contain JPG graphics with high detail, so they may take a while to load. By making the pictures smaller, the resolution of the pictures would have suffered.